Xinyu Xu (she/they)

Artist name: Xinyu XuXX

Xinyu XuXX(b.1998 Anhui, China), received an MFA in Fine Art from Goldsmiths, University of London, a graduate diploma in Fine Art from Royal College of Art and a BA in fashion design from China Academy of Art. She works as an artists film and moving image, video/image installation artist and a curator based in London, currently taking part in an alternative art programme at Conditions studio programme. Her recent exhibitions  & screenings includes Crafting Futures, The Grey Space, Hague, Netherlands (2024); Circle, CICA Museum, Korea (2024); Shedding:::selves, Queer East Festival, Ugly Duck, London, UK (2024); PHONY, Lock In Gallery, Brighton,UK (2024) Her selected art festival includes London Short Film Festival (LSFF) official selection, ICA, London, UK(2024); Queer East Festival, guest curator/selected artist, London, UK(2024); Her curated art project has taken place at Goldsmiths Contemporary Art Centre CCA residency space & Iklectik art lab in 2023, London, UK.


Email: xinyuxuiris@gmail.com ; Tel: +44 07899833121

Instagram: @xinyuiris;  Website: https://xinyu-xu.com/cutie

Artist studio programme:

2023-2024      Conditions Studio Programme, London, UK


2021- 2023     MFA Fine Art, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Jan-July 2021 Graduate diploma, Fine Art, Royal College of Art, UK

2016-2020      BA fashion design, China Academy of Art, China

Prizes & Awards:

2024 DYCP  (Developing Your Creative Practice) funding Round 19 Funded applicant

             London Short Film Festival (LSFF), Official Selection, artists’ film

Selected Group Exhibition & Screening:

2024  CRAFTING FUTURES, organised by Squish at The Grey Space, Hague, Netherlands

              CIRCLE, CICA Museum, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

              Conditions Screening, Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), Cinema 2, London, UK

              GENERIC CORPORATE EVENT curated by Kawaii Agency, London,UK

              Shedding:::selves, part of Queer East Festival, Ugly Duck, London, UK

              PHONY, Lock In Gallery, Brighton, UK

              INVISIBLE VISIBLE, hARTslane Gallery, London, UK

              WELCOME TO UK, Ugly Duck, London, UK

              INTERRUPT as part of Queer Fest Norwich, UK

             London Short Film Festival LSFF, Institute of Contemporary Art(ICA), Cinema 1, London,UK

2023  Videoclub Ed.16 screening, Studio,dB, Berlin, Germany

              Extrapool Weekend, as part of Video Club collective, Nijmegen, Netherlands

              Goldsmiths MFA Fine Art Degree Show

             Videoclub Ed.12 screening, Sameheads, Berlin, Germany; The Living Gallery, New York, US

             Quote unquote, Ugly Duck, Bermondsey, London, UK

2022 Omitted References, The Art Pavilion, Mile End Park, London,UK

             Riposte London  (queer art Pride), Electrowerkz, London, UK

            Our Body Are Portal, Asylum Chapel, London,UK

           At the edge of safe house, Safe House, Peckham, London,UK

           Futures After, Peacock, Catford, London,UK

2021 White City constructing for the uninhabited, Hoxton253, London, UK

            The Law of Alchemy - Three Shadows photography art centre, Beijing, China

           Double Interval - Huangshan city, China

Curatorial project:

20/04/2024 - Queer East Artists’ Moving Image programme as guest curator, IMAGE UNDER THE GROUND at Ugly Duck, London, UK

03/10/2023 - Screening If Splash as Your Whistle vol.2 at IKLECTIK, as organiser, London, UK

27/05/2023 - Screening If Splash as Your Whistle vol.1 Goldsmiths Contemporary Art Centre CCA residency space as the organiser and one of artists, London, UK

23/07-22/08/2021 Group show Double Interval as curator & artist, Huangshan city, China


2024 Work featured in “Building community through creativity, Queer East Film Festival comes of age” written by Cici Peng, published on Little White Lies

2024 Work featured in“Daydream House” written by Cindy Ziyun Huang for London Short Film Festival. Published on LSFF official website,

2023 Work featured in “Splashes of Queerness: Memories and Resistance in an Artist Screening” written by Ernesto Hernan, published on Only Child Mag.

2022 Work featured in The Land From Which We Come, edited by Alice Oliver  - Sola Journal

Catching the Moon 2020︎

Video installation


click pic to watch the video

︎Monkey Catching the Moon is an old Chinese fable: a group of monkeys wants to catch the moon and think that the moon's reflection on the water is the real moon, so they try their best to catch it but are only in vain. As I grew up, anything about the period could not be seen but be laughed at or even insulted. A sense of period shame that has been with many girls, including me, for many years.

The image of the period in today's patriarchal society is like the reflection of the moon on the water in the Monkey Catching the Moon. It does exist but only like to avoid. All the struggle for it is likely to become futile, but the spirit of catching the moon should continue. Simultaneously, the gesture to wipe period and the gesture to catch the moon reaches a consensus and connection, such as a kind of revolutionary call.

So I would like to be the monkey in the story, using the results produced by the moon-catching gesture and wiping-period gesture to do integrated performance under the projection, to form a reflection of the period in today's society: existing but equivalent to nothing.︎




B&W video with sound


Negative Capability : I mean Negative Capability, that is, when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.

—The first mention of negative capability in a letter to brothers George Keats and Thomas Keats on December 8, 1817

Inspired by the unconscious rambling experience of myself at night in Shanghai,2020. A human activity filled with uncertainties, darkness, mysteries, and doubts that turns introspection into outdoor activity, in which the mind, while the body operates only daily takes a grand adventure to put aside all knowledge that it knew. Such activity is designed to free one from the bonds and constraints of a human's identity. By gradually abandoning the likes and dislikes and the individuality, the one is degenerating into "nothing" and is slowly accepting "everything," reaching the balance of the non-subject object relationship between the environment and people. I found that the water in the environment has the same properties as the person in the drifting. I use water to turn the actions of one person into countless, into a group of people walking.





                                                                                                                       Exhibition view, DOUBLE INTERVAL, 23/07/2021-22/08/2021